I can't believe I am able to type that I AM PREGNANT. I really could just copy and paste that sentence and make a whole blog post about it but I will refrain.
It was our third (and final) IUI that our Dr. didn't even think we should waste our time or money trying, but hey, like my husband says, what really is the difference between $20k and $21,600? Not very much and I am so glad we went for it.
I guess life really is all about timing. Although, there were "times" I wanted to scream (oh wait I did) and cry (yup that too) and wonder why the hell with all of the things going seemingly perfect with these treatments, they still weren't working out. I guess we just weren't ready. But I will tell you one thing. I won't take back any of those moments of pain, cause the moment of success was the most amazing feeling ever.
I am only about 5 weeks and 5 days now, but I am holding high with positivity and can't wait for next Tuesday to see that little sac and possibly see a heatbeat. It will be my heart. Not literally, but I gave it all my heart the last 2.5 years and it already has my whole heart.
And baby makes three.....